Create a New Strategy

Create a new strategy by selecting a strategy template.

To start creating a new strategy just select “New strategy” from the left column. You will have a choice as to whether you want to create a single market strategy (SMS) or multi market strategy (MMS). If you want to create a strategy which analyzes more than one currency pair, you will want to use MMS. We will select SMS for now, since we want to build a strategy which trades on one currency pair.

When you click the “Create” button, the Signals development environment will open, which has a template example strategy for you. We will choose not to use this scaffolding and will instead create the strategy from scratch.

Each investment strategy’s source code must include two methods where data sources, technical indicators and investment rules are registered:

In the picture below, you can see the entire Signals IDE (Integrated Development Environment) after we have replaced the predefined example with an empty strategy where we have only those two methods.

using Signals.DataSeries.Bars;
using Signals.Framework;

public class MyStrategy : SingleMarketStrategy
  public override void Setup(DataMarketplace data, IndicatorsMarketplace indicators)
    // method for setting data and indicators
  public override void RegisterActions()
    // method for registering actions over the data e.g. your strategy logic

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