Change Plan

By default, every user is on the free plan, please contact our support to upgrade your plan.

What are the limitations on number of backtests, deployments and followings?

Through the free plan, everyone is entitled to run 5 simultaneous backtests, have 5 active deployments, have 5 publications in the marketplace and follow 5 different strategies at a time.

You can get free bonus slots for deployments as a reward for each strategy published in the marketplace.

If you want to run more simultaneous backtests, deployments or publications, or you want to subscribe to more strategies, please contact our support to upgrade your plan.

What are the limitations on number of strategy logs?

Every account has a daily limit of 5 MB storage space for generated logs. Once the daily limit is reached, you need to wait 24 hours to unlock another 5 MB of storage space.

If the limit of 5 MB is too low for the testing of your strategies, please contact our support to upgrade your plan.

Last updated