Deployment Detail

What is the deployment detail view and how do I use it?

The deployment detail view shows all relevant information about any deployed strategy. This covers basic information such as the type of strategy and markets it can be used on, charts of its performance and trades, as well as metrics, signals, logs and code, in the same layout as the backtest detail view.

Deployment status

Through the deployment detail, you can see the status of the deployment: if it is active, if it has been published to the Marketplace, and if someone is following it.

If you wish to change its status, you can do so through the menu in the top-right of the window. Here, you can choose to follow or unfollow the strategy in paper trade mode, publish or remove it from the marketplace, or undeploy it from realtime data to free a deployment spot.

Describing and Deleting a Deployment

It is important to provide a description to any deployed strategy that you plan to publish in the Strategies Marketplace. This helps users understand how the strategy works, helps keep your strategies in order, and encourages others to use it.

The About section should contain a free-text description of how the strategy is built, what environmental factors it performs best under, and the trading style it is best suited to. The Rules section should contain simple logical statements, such as IF, THEN, OR, etc. Read more about editing these sections.

The Alternative Markets section allows you to define which markets the strategy can be used with. In the case of a Single Market Strategy, users can only choose one from the list you provide. For a Multi Market Strategy, users cannot choose any alternative markets, the strategy is always executed on the same markets as it was deployed on. Underneath the Rules section, you can edit the list of alternative markets and allow followers to choose which market to have the strategy produce trading signals for.

You can even delete the deployment record, but doing so will prevent its performance record from being calculated into your overall portfolio performance, shown on your dashboard.

Last updated